bbb branding notes feel free to tidy Print

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If you want to change the title for main page then you can simply edit the index. html file located in "/var/www/bigbluebutton-default/" directory and replace title with your own ...$ docker ps - next copy content of container into the app folder docker cp greenlight-v2:/usr/src/app /root/greenlight/app next we need to mount /root/greenlight/app back into container - edit docker-compose.yml - add line under "volumes" section "- ./app:/usr/src/app" save file and restart docker cd /root/greenlight && docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d In chat welcome messages /usr/share/bbb-web/WEB-INF/classes/ /app/app/views/main/index.html.erb

<%= t("landing.about", href: link_to(t("greenlight"), "HTTPS://CUSTOMER.DOMAIN.URL.HERE", target: "_blank", rel: "noopener")).html_safe %>

<%= link_to "HTTPS://CUSTOMER.DOMAIN.URL.HERE", target: "_blank" do %>


(((((((((( vi /usr/share/bbb-web/WEB-INF/classes/ Change defaultWelcomeMessage=Welcome to %%CONFNAME%%!

For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) tutorial videos.

To join the audio bridge click the phone button. Use a headset to avoid causing background noise for others. To defaultWelcomeMessage=Welcome to CUSTOMER BRAND. To join the audio bridge click the phone button. Use a headset to avoid causing background noise for others. Change defaultWelcomeMessageFooter=This server is running BigBlueButton. To defaultWelcomeMessageFooter=This server is running CUSTOMER BRAND BIG BLUE BUTTON MENUS Edit: /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/server/assets/app/config/settings.yml At end put - browser: SamsungBrowser version: 11 Change these lines: clientTitle: CUSTOMER BRAND appName: CUSOMER BRAND HTML5 Client bbbServerVersion: 2.2-dev copyright: "©2020 CUSTOMER BRAND" html5ClientBuild: 874 helpLink: https://CUSTOMER URL Edit: /root/greenlight/app/app/views/admins/components/_users.html.erb WARNING THERE ARE 2 /app/ folders do both if you have a problem Delete both this PastedGraphic-10.png Also root/greenlight/app/app/views/users/components/_account.html.erb. <-provider change<%= user.provider %>To

In file /root/greenlight/app/app/views/errors/bigbluebutton_error.html.erb Change from

<%= t("", doc_link: "").html_safe %>


<%= t("", doc_link: "https:// CUSTOMER URL").html_safe %>

]root/greenlight/app/app/views/shared/_header.html.erb Help menu here!!!*** In file /root/greenlight/app/app/views/shared/_footer.html.erb Change url eg:

<%= t("footer.powered_by", href: link_to(t("greenlight"), "https:// CUSTOMER URL", target: "_blank", rel: "noopener")).html_safe %> <%= Greenlight::Application::VERSION %>

In file /root/greenlight/app/app/views/shared/_header.html.erb Change from: (DOUBLE UP?)

<%= t("") %> <% if Rails.configuration.report_issue_url.present? %> <%= t("") %> <% end %> To

<% if Rails.configuration.report_issue_url.present? %> <% end %> In file: /root/greenlight/app/app/views/main/index.html.erb Change from

<%= t("landing.welcome").html_safe %>

<%= t("landing.about", href: link_to(t("greenlight"), "", target: "_blank", rel: "noopener")).html_safe %>

<%= link_to "", target: "_blank" do %>

<%= t("") %>

<% end %> To

<%= t("landing.welcome").html_safe %>

<%= t("landing.about", href: link_to(t("greenlight"), "", target: "_blank", rel: "noopener")).html_safe %>

<%= link_to "", target: "_blank" do %>


<% end %> /root/greenlight/app/config/locales/en.yml Change these lines: user-info: You must sign in to Greenlight to join this room subtitle: Customize Greenlight bigbluebutton: BigBlueButton help: Please make sure the proper steps have been taken. Learn more message: Invalid BigBlueButton Endpoint and Secret Greenlight encountered a database migration error.
This may be because you haven't updated to Greenlight 2.0. upgrade: Show me how to upgrade to 2.0! version: We've released a new version of Greenlight, but your database isn't compatible. help: Please contact your system administrator to setup Greenlight greenlight: Greenlight autogenerated: 'This e-mail is auto-generated by BigBlueButton.' footer: 'BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system. For more information on BigBlueButton, see' about: "%{href} is a simple front-end for your BigBlueButton open-source web conferencing server. You can create your own rooms to host sessions, or join others using a short and convenient link." welcome: Welcome to BigBlueButton. video: Watch our tutorial on using Greenlight upgrade: Show me how to upgrade to 2.0! version: We've released a new version of Greenlight, but your database isn't compatible. info: A new user has signed up to use Greenlight. more-info: To allow this user to access Greenlight you must approve their account in organization settings. admins_link: Visit the Organization Page subject: New Greenlight User Sign Up info: A user that was invited has signed up to use Greenlight. admins_link: Visit the Organization Page subject: New Greenlight User Sign Up username: The user signed up with the name %{name} and the email %{email}. subject: Invitation to join BigBlueButton /root/greenlight/app/app/views/users/components/_account.html.erb Change
<%= f.label t("settings.account.provider"), class: "form-label" %> <%= f.text_field :provider, class: "form-control", readonly: "" %>
<%= f.label t("settings.account.language"), class: "form-label" %> <%= :language, language_options, {}, { class: "form-control custom-select" } %> <% current_user_role = current_user.highest_priority_role %>

<% current_user_role = current_user.highest_priority_role %>
Change the logo and colours in greenlight Can upload to /var/www/bigbluebutton/client/branding/LOGOHERE.png https://WEBSITE.COM/client/branding/logo.png /client/branding/logo-3.png Change the colours and logo on this page https://*****/b/admins/site_settings Edit favcon for greenlight root@localhost:~/greenlight# find . -name favicon.ico ./usr/share/bbb-web/assets/favicon.ico ./root/greenlight/app/public/favicon.ico ./var/www/bigbluebutton/client/favicon.ico ./var/www/bigbluebutton-default/favicon.ico /var/www/bigbluebutton-default/images/favicon.png <——PNG Bunch of logos here to change too /usr/share/bbb-web/WEB-INF/classes/ Change defaultWelcomeMessage=Welcome to %%CONFNAME%%!

For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) tutorial videos.

To join the audio bridge click the phone button. Use a headset to avoid causing background noise for others. defaultWelcomeMessageFooter=This server is running BigBlueButton. To defaultWelcomeMessage=Welcome, to join the audio bridge click the phone button. Use a headset to avoid causing background noise for others. defaultWelcomeMessageFooter=This server is running CUSTOMER BRAND. Index page for green light /root/greenlight/app/app/views/main/index.html.erb /root/greenlight/app/app/views/main/components/_features.html.erb Flashing play logo: /playback/presentation/2.0/logo.png Some LOGOS are different style check each before replace Playback text Edit all .8 .9 etc versions /var/bigbluebutton/playback/presentation Edit all versions var/bigbluebutton/playback/presentation/2.0/playback.html /var/bigbluebutton/playback/presentation/2.0/playback.js. JS HERE Fix this line: /root/greenlight/app/config/locales/en.yml (you can do other languages too) CUSTOMER BRAND web conferencing system. For more information on CUSTOMER BRAND, see CUSTOMER URL. Etc const defaultCopyright = '

Recorded with CUSTOMER BRAND.

Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to play this recording.

'; cd /root/greenlight/ bbb-conf --restart cd /root/greenlight/ docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d Edit the default presentation pdf: var/www/bigbluebutton/client/conf/ /var/www/bigbluebutton-default/ Greenlight App/views/shared/ footer Powered by (remove the link) /root/greenlight/app/app/views/shared/_footer.html.erb Page title! /root/greenlight/app/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

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